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Cultural influence

Parental pressure to succeed in academics

  • Discussing mental health concerns is considered taboo in many Asian cultures and as a result Asian Americans tend to dismiss, deny or neglect their symptoms
  • Pressure to live up to the "model minority" stereotype (a view that inaccurately portrays Asian Americans as successfully integrating into mainstream culture and having overcome the challenges of racial bias)
  • Family obligations based on strong traditional and cultural values
  • Discrimination due to racial or cultural background 
  • Difficulty in balancing two different cultures and developing a bicultural sense of self
  • Getting outside help may also conflict with the Asian American cultural value of interdependence, which stresses that family or community can meet all a person’s needs. This value perpetuates the idea that people should not seek professional help when relying on their family or community
  • Getting outside help may also conflict with the Asian American cultural value of interdependence, which stresses that family or community can meet all a person’s needs. This value perpetuates the idea that people should not seek professional help when relying on their family or community

  • Several prevalent religions in Asian American countries promote the idea that mental illness:

  • is a sin or divine punishment

  • represents disrupted energy flow or an internal imbalance

  • stems from a lack of faith

  • can be cured with enough faith, prayer, or good behaviour

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