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The Asian American population is the fastest-growing ethnic or racial grouping in the U.S., increasing 72% between 2000–2015.
Of these, roughly 15% report having a mental illness in the past year, meaning more than 2.9 million Asian Americans experienced mental illness in 2019.
Many Asian Americans also have strong family obligations that center around traditional and cultural values. Ancient Asian philosophical traditions strongly identify someone’s self-value with their ability to care for their family and community.
This can be detrimental to their mental health if they don't meet their own expectations to care for their family
Recent data collected from the National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS) found that Asian Americans have a 17.30 percent overall lifetime rate of any psychiatric disorder and a 9.19 percent 12-month rate, yet Asian Americans are three times less likely to seek mental health services than Whites. According to a study conducted by Abe-Kim et al., only 8.6 percent of Asian-Americans sought any type of mental health services or resources compared to nearly 18 percent of the general population nationwide
Concerning Statistics of Mental Health

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