Mental Health among LGBTQ+ Asians
How Likely is it that LGBTQ+Community might have a mental health problems?
Research shows that mental health problems, like depression and anxiety, are more common in the LGBT+ community. Being LGBT+ does not automatically mean you will have mental health issues. But you may be more likely to develop mental health issues. The reasons why there are higher rates of mental health issues among LGBT+ people are complex. There are many experiences that LGBT+ people will often have to deal with as a minority community, such as stigma, prejudice and discrimination
People in the LGBTQ community experience mental health issues at higher rates. A recent study found 61% have depression, 45% have PTSD and 36% have an anxiety disorder.

Where can you look for help?
The organization calls the active mind and wellness together where you can look for help fo the mental health problems
How do mental health conditions affect the LGBTQ community?

During Covid-19 what are some problem does East Asian LGBTQ have face?
The rise of hate crimes against API people during the pandemic is deeply concerning. What’s more, there is evidence that LGBTQ people, who already experience high rates of violence and harassment, have also been targeted as some fringe groups have framed COVID-19 as righteous punishment for supporting homosexuality — rhetoric reminiscent of stigma regarding the transmission of HIV/AIDS in LGBTQ communities.
Supporting and helping the LGBTQ community is an important action to help them feel
comfortable and included in society. People who are heterosexual and cisgender can be
an ally by helping and supporting LGBTQ people, even though they are not part of the
LGBTQ community. We can take little actions to ensure LGBTQ people have the free
space to be true selves. Here are some ways to be an ally:
- Educate yourself and learn more about the LGBTQ community.
- Being an advocate and raising the voices of the LGBTQ community.
- Use pronouns people want you to use and ask them if you are unsure.
- Encourage your surrounding people to become an ally.
Allyship is significant and essential for the LGBTQ community to ensure they are being
treated equally and with respect, and that they feel comfortable coming out and being a
part of society.
There are numerous social challenges and legal barriers that challenge LGBTQ
people in China. For instance, during this year’s Pride Month, Li Ying came out as
a female gay and became the first female athlete to publicly announce her sexual
orientation but she was overwhelmed with homophobic responses. Moreover, in
2022, China’s biggest LGBTQ event, the Shanghai Pride, was canceled by the local
government. Last but not least, same sex marraige is still illegal in China and is
one of the biggest challenges that Chinese LGBTQ people face. All of the above
examples show the limitations and challenges that LGBTQ people have in China.
LGBTQ rights movement for sexual and gender minorities began in Taiwan around the 1990s.
Since 1990, human right activism emerged in Taiwan and the nation turned into a
LGBTQ-friendly place in Asia. In 2018, the Supreme Court banned same-sex marriage in
Taiwan. In 2019, same-sex marriage was finally legalized by Taiwan’s authorities. Some of
Taiwan’s cities provided partnership cards to prove their same-sex relationship. LGBTQ
discrimination became banned in workplaces and schools. In addition, people could legally
change their gender. Nowadays, Taiwan has a huge gay community and the largest Pride
parade in Asia. Taiwan's LGBTQ culture allows for identities to be expressed freely, without
being questioned. All of these factors make Tawian a very LGBTQ-friendly country in Asia that
respects and welcomes gay people, making Taiwan a more equitable and better country.