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Negative Impacts of the Model Minority Myth

As you read about how the Model Minority Myth impacts racialized communities, consider the following questions.

Why does the model minority myth continue to be such a widely believed and perpetuated stereotype today?

Why do we have a tendency to enforce stereotypes, even when we know that they are not accurate or complete representations of a group of people?

The myth erases diversity among Asian communities.

Humans are diverse and complex, and as humans, Asians have just as much diversity and complexity within their communities.


The issue here with the myth is that it assumes that all Asians are alike in personality. When people think of Asians, they typically think of East Asians (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc.). In reality, there are many different types of Asians, each with their own culture, language, and history. By grouping together all Asians as polite, hardworking, and successful, it is very easy to dismiss and ignore this diversity.


The myth also ignores the diversity among Asian individuals. Some Asians do not fit into the stereotype that the Model Minority Myth promotes. Asians who do not fit into this stereotype may feel pressured to fit in. They may also feel othered.


The myth hides the injustice that many Asian communities face.

By perpetuating the narrative that all Asians are successful, it allows us to believe that society is treating all Asians fairly. As a result, struggling Asian communities are made invisible and existing issues surrounding anti-Asian racism are unable to be solved as they are left ignored. The issues that many Asian communities experience are shrouded by the assumption that all Asians are successful.

The myth separates minority groups into the good and the bad

By labeling Asians as the "Model Minority" it indirectly suggests that other minority groups are inferior. For example, the Model Minority Myth presents the black community as a problem minority, hiding undertones of anti-black racism.


The myth falsely justifies the argument that if Asians can be successful, then any minority group can be successful if they work hard enough. The myth allows us to think that racism is not as prevalent in society because it assumes that every Asian minority group is fairing well. However, different minority groups face vastly different barriers as a result of past and present oppression. Therefore, it is simply not fair to pit any minority group against the few Asians who do conform to the myth as it ignores the many different barriers that varying minority groups still face today.


Help Dismantle the Model Minority Myth

Anyone, no matter their ethnic or cultural background can fall susceptible to inaccurate and incomplete portrayals of any group of people; the model minority myth is no exception. As such, the responsibility to dismantle the myth lies with all of us.

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