Model Minority Myth
The Harm in Positive Stereotypes
The Model Minority Myth characterizes Asians as the "Model Minority". According to the myth, all Asians are hardworking, intelligent, and successful both financially and academically. And while it may seem like the myth does more good than harm, that is not true. The model minority myth negatively impacts all racialized communities.

The Live Well Take Action Program
This project was created by Jeremy from the “Live Well, Take Action” program, which aims to engage Asian youth in learning about wellness and how it can have significant impacts on self, others and society. It is a
collaboration between ALPHA Education and the Chinese Canadian National Council
Toronto Chapter (CCNCTO). Follow us on Instagram: @livewelltakeaction or Twitter: @lwta_program.
The “Live Well, Take Action” program is a collaboration between ALPHA Education and the Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter (CCNCTO), and is funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF).