The Dangers of Asian Female Beauty Standards

The Asian beauty standards/expectations on girls is to have pale and perfect skin, be skinny, big facial features, small face, long legs, etc.
For generations, this has been causing detrimental effects on people of all ages, but especially younger girls. For instance, it negatively impacts on self-esteem by lowering it and causes insecurities. This results in Asian women taking great lengths to fit the standards to the point of getting physical health issues, mental strain, focusing more on the superficial than the internal and so much more. The purpose of this project is to inform people about this matter and declaring that change must occur.

“If I don’t fit the beauty standards.
I’ll set my own standards.”
- Hwasa

Viewed as ‘objects for taking’ rather than as equals and people...
We're in need of change. It's time for change.

Read more on beauty standards...
“It’s really important for us
to be unapologetic.
To be bold.
To be brave.
And to take huge risks."